Robot Missile

The year is 2582 and the people of Earth are in the midst of a battle against the Robots. A lethal Robot Missle has just landed and everyone is depending on you to find the secret code which unlocks its defuse mechanism. If you fail, the entire Earth Command Headquarters will be blown up.

Your computer knows what the code letter is. You must type in your guess and it will tell you whether the code letter is earlier or later in the alphabet. You have four chances to find the correct letter before the missile blows up.

The code

# Import `random` so we can generate random numbers.
# The `string` module gives us access to string-related utilities,
# like a list of lowercase characters.
import random
import string

print('Type the correct code letter (A-Z) to defuse the missile.')
print('You have 4 chances.')

# Choose, at random, a lowercase ascii character
code = random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)

# Loop until we get a match, or we've tried 4 times
guesses = 0
success = False

while not success and guesses < 4:
    # Read a character from the user, and convert it to lower case
    guess = input('What is your guess? ').lower()
    guesses += 1

    # Check to see if the guess is correct. If it is, flag the success;
    # otherwise, print an error message hinting towards the final answer.
    if guess == code:
        success = True
    elif guess < code:
        print('The code is later than %s in the alphabet' % guess)
    elif guess > code:
        print('The code is earlier than %s in the alphabet' % guess)

# The loop has exited. Let the user know if they succeeded or not.
if success:
    print('TICK... FIZZ... CLICK...')
    print('You did it!')
    print('You blew it!')
    print("The correct code was '%s'." % code)

Adding to the program

You can make the computer print an extra message for a correct guess on the last go. Change line 37 to read:

print('You did it%s!' % (' (just)' if guesses == 4 else ''))

This inserts some text between “it” and the exclamation mark; the text that is inserted is dependent on the value of guesses at the end of the loop.

Puzzle corner

See if you can work out how to change the program to give you more or less changes of guessing the code letter.