Desert Tank Battle

The last major stronghold of Robot forces outside the U.R.S* is hidden in ancient castle ruins in the middle of the desert. A fleets of desert hovertanks has been sent to destroy it and you are the commander. Your tank controls the five remaining missiles.

You must assess carefully the direction and elevation before you launch each one. Your computer will ask you for a direction angle between -90° (extreme left) and +90° (extreme right) and an elevation angle between 0° (along the ground) and 90° (straight up). The elevation determine the distance the missile will travel.

Is your aim good enough to destroy the robot stronghold?

The code

# Import:
# * the `random` module so we can generate random numbers,
# * the `math` module so we can perform some basic trigonometry
import random
import math

# Normal terminals are defined a lot like typewriters. They are "line based" -
# they wait for the user to type a full line, then type Enter, and the entire
# line of input is processed.
# This is a utility method to get a whole number input from the keyboard which
# must be within a certain range. For example, a number between 1 and 10.
# For example:
#     my_guess = get_number('Please enter a guess between 1 and 10', 1, 10)
def get_number(prompt, min_value, max_value):
    # we don't know what value the user will type in yet, so start off
    # with "nothing" in the value
    the_number = None
    # get ready to keep asking the user for the number until they give us
    # an actual number that's within the range we need
    while the_number is None:
        # we can use the `input` function to get the user to type something
        # in and press [ENTER], and store it in the variable `user_input`,
        # so this line asks the user for the number with the `prompt` text
        user_input = input(prompt + ' ')
            # we have the user's input, so now we need to try to convert
            # it to a whole number
            the_number = int(user_input)
            # it's a number, so now we need to check the range
            if the_number > max_value or the_number < min_value:
                # the number is outside the allowed range
                # show the user a message to help them get it right next time
                if the_number > max_value:
                    print('That is more than {} - please try again.'.format(max_value))
                elif the_number < min_value:
                    print('That is less than {} - please try again.'.format(min_value))
                # discard the number we got because it's invalid
                the_number = None
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            # whatever the user typed in, it wasn't a number
            # show the user a message to help them get it right next time
            print('That is not a number - please try again.')
    # we have a number that's within the range we need - hand the result back
    return the_number

# Here we set up a bunch of things ready to play the game:
# Firstly - where is the enemy stronghold?
# This selects a whole number between -90 and 90 (inclusive) for the
# direction of the enemy stronghold
stronghold_direction = random.randint(-90, 90)
# This selects a fractional number between 0.0 and 1.0 for the
# distance of the enemy stronghold
stronghold_distance = random.random()

# Next, how many missiles does the player get to try to hit the enemy stronghold?
available_missiles = 5
# How many missiles have they used so far? They haven't started yet, so it's zero
used_missiles = 0
# Is the stronghold destroyed? They haven't started yet, so that is false
stronghold_is_destroyed = False

# Now we can start the actual game.
print('Desert Tank Battle')

# continue playing so long as the player has missiles left and the stronghold
# is not yet destroyed
while used_missiles < available_missiles and not stronghold_is_destroyed:
    # Get the guesses for direction and elevation - we store them in
    # the variables `aim_direction` and `aim_elevation_in_degrees`
    aim_direction = get_number('Direction (-90 to 90) ?', -90, 90)
    aim_elevation_in_degrees = get_number('Elevation (0 to 90) ?', 0, 90)

    # increase the count of used missiles
    used_missiles += 1

    # calculate the distance the missile travelled (the answer
    # will be between 0 and 1).
    # First, though, we need to convert the angle the player gave us
    # from degrees to radians so that we can use it in the `sin`
    # function to work out the distance. If you want to know more about
    # radians and degrees for measruring angles, you can read articles here:
    aim_elevation_in_radians = math.radians(aim_elevation_in_degrees)
    # Now we can use the converted angle to work out the distance
    missile_distance = math.sin(aim_elevation_in_radians)

    # check how far away the missile landed from the actual target
    # first we check how many degrees off target the aim was - we use
    # the `abs` function to get the "absolute" difference between the
    # directions, disregarding whether it was left or right
    direction_difference = abs(stronghold_direction - aim_direction)
    # secondly we check how far off the distance was from the target distance
    # again, we use the `abs` function to get the "absolute" difference
    # between the distances, disregarding whether it was to short or too far
    distance_difference = abs(stronghold_distance - missile_distance)

    # if the direction was with 2 degrees of the actual direction, and the
    # distance was within 0.05 of the actual distance, the target was hit
    good_direction = direction_difference <= 2
    good_distance = distance_difference <= 0.05

    if good_direction and good_distance:
        # record that the stronghold has been destroyed!
        stronghold_is_destroyed = True
        # the player missed the target - create a message to help them
        # aim better the next time around:
        message = 'The missile '

        # give information about the direction, if that was wrong:
        if not good_direction:
            if aim_direction < stronghold_direction:
                message += 'landed to the left'
                message += 'landed to the right'

        # if the direction and distance were both wrong, we need to
        # put an 'and' in to make the sentence make sense:
        if not good_direction and not good_distance:
            message += ' and '

        # give information about the distance, if that was wrong:
        if not good_distance:
            if missile_distance < stronghold_distance:
                message += 'did not travel far enough'
                message += 'travelled too far'

        # finish off the message nicely with a period for good punctuation:
        message += '.'

        # show the created message to help the player out:

if stronghold_is_destroyed:
    # the player hit the target - show a congratulatory message
    print("You've done it")
    # the player missed the target with all their missiles
    print('Disaster - you failed.')
    print('Retreat in disgrace.')

Puzzle corner

Can you work out how to add the possibility of the robots seeing you and shooting at you before your five goes are up?