Beat the Bug Eyes

You’re trapped! Everywhere you turn you catch a glimpse of the steely cold light of a space bug’s eyes before it slithers down behind a rock again. Slowly the bugs edge towards you, hemming you in, waiting for a chance to bind you in their sticky web-like extrusions. Luckily you have your proton blaster with you.

The bug eyes pop up in four different places on your screen and these correspond to keys 1 to 4. Press the correct key while the bug’s eyes are on the screen and you will blast it. There are 10 bugs in all - the more you blast, the greater your chance of escape.

The code

# Import:
# * the `random` module so we can generate random numbers,
# * `time` so we can sleep
import random
import time

# Includes some yorkshire4 terminal utilities, too
from yorkshire4.terminal import hide_cursor, show_cursor, clear_screen

# Start by hiding the cursor

score = 0

# Do 10 iterations of showing bug eyes
for t in range(10):

    # random.random() returns a floating point number in the range 0 -> 1
    # Add 0.5 to get a number between 0.5 and 1.5. That's how long we'll
    # sleep before displaying some eyes.
    time.sleep(random.random() + 0.5)

    # Pick a random zone in which to display the eyes.
    zone = random.randrange(4) + 1

    # The zone gives us the x,y offset
    if zone == 1:
        x_offset = 0
        y_offset = 0
    elif zone == 2:
        x_offset = 38
        y_offset = 0
    elif zone == 3:
        x_offset = 0
        y_offset = 12
    elif zone == 4:
        x_offset = 38
        y_offset = 12

    # Combine the offsets and a random number to postion the cursor
    # and print eyes. We can just print newlines to set the y (vertical)
    # position, then print spaces to set the x (horizontal) position.
    for y in range(random.randrange(12) + y_offset):

    print(' ' * (random.randrange(38) + x_offset) + '* *')

    # Wait up to a second for the player to respond.
        selected = int(getch(timeout=1))
    except TypeError:
        # If the user doesn't press a character, or they press something
        # other than a number, the call to int() will raise a ValueError.
        # Regardless, we know they didn't pick a zone; set the zone to None
        selected = None

    if selected == zone:
        score = score + 1

# Clear the screen, and re-show the cursor.

# Last of all, print the user's score.
print('You blasted %s bugs' % score)

How to change the speed

You can speed the game up by changing the length of time that you sleep on line 90, or the timeout on line 119.

How to use more of the screen

This program was written to fit on an 80x25 screen - the standard size for a Unix terminal. Can you work out what you need to change to handle a larger or smaller screen?

Puzzle corner

Can you change the program to make the bugs appear in more than four places on the screen? Can you add more bugs too?